(Season1/Ep1) 미드서 영어공부 : HouseofCards

하우스 오브 카드스 의미 미드하우스 오브 카드스는 원래 트럼프 카드로 탑 쌓기 놀이를 가리키는데 권력을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 주인공 프랭크 언더우드가 언제 파멸할지 모르는 상황을 빗댄 것으로 사상누각으로 해석할 수 있다.

latchedonto: ~에 달라붙는 Ilatchedontohimearlyonandmademyselfvital. Helatchedontoherarmandwouldn’tletgo.

Lassitude : 무기력, 권태 / 낙담 Ikeepthingsmovinginacongresschokedbypettiness and lassitude. (= langour) thelangourofconvalense / langour broughtonbyahotsummerafternoon.

Keepatit: 견뎌라 Keepatit. Getmesomething. Itmaytake anumber ofattemptsbutitisworth keepingatit.

President-elect: 대통령 당선자

trickledown: 낙수효과(대기업의 성장을 촉진하면 중소기업/소비자에게도 혜택이 주어지며 총체적으로 경기가 활성화된다는 경제이론) I’dliketocointhephrase” tickle-down” diplomacy. Asanordinary person, Ithinkbottomupeconomics is betterthantrickledown” diplomics.

immune : 면제됨 / 해당되지 않음 (보통은 ‘면역력 있음’으로 많이 사용됨) Thenature of promises, Linda, isthattheyremainimmunetochanging circumstances. (현 대통령 당선시 Frank가 국무장관에 임명됨으로써 약조되었으나 실제 임명되지 않음)

chicken-shit : 소심한 It’sachicken-shitmove. Iwasvetted. (Frank가 국무장관 후보자로 면밀하게 조사됨)

[Phonebuzing] 핸드폰 진동

You didn’t call. You didn’t call me, Francis. Nine hours. You don’t not call me not when it’s this big. 당신은 나에게 전화하지 않을 수 없다. (9시간 동안 Frank가 연락이 되지 않은 것에 대해 아내가 화를 냈다.)

free-fall : 가치 / 명성 하락 Whenyoudon’tinvolveme, weareinfree-fall.

livid : 화가 많이 난 Youshouldbeangry. – I’mlivid. – Thenwhereisthat? I don’t see it. – What do you want me to do? Screen and yell? Throwatantrum? (화끈화끈)

[Loudclatter] 크게 덜컥 화가 난 Frank이 테이블 위를 다 쓸어버린다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

holdacccountable: 책임을 묻다 They’vedoneus agreatfavor, Doug. Wearenolongerboundbyallegiances. Weservenoone. Welivebyoneruleonly: Neveragainwillweallowus againtobeputinsuchaposition. I hold the mallaccountable

retribution : 강력한 보복 / 징벌 Wantretribution? – No, no. It’s morethanthat…. That’s how you devour a whale, Doug. One bite at a time.

keepone’seartotheground: 동향에 밝은, 세상에 빈틈없는 Iwillkeep myeartotheground.

Putontheplatter : 도마 위에 올리는 Ialmostpityhim. Hedidn’tchoosetobeputon my platter. When Icarvehimupandtosshim to thedogs, onlythenwillheconfront thatbrutal, inescapable truth.

chitlin : 돼지고기 곱창 (시시한 것) Mygod, all Ieveramounted waschitlins.

Neverletyourgratitudesourintopride. Aperson’s characterisn’t determined byhowheorsheenjoys victory, butrather howheorsheendures defeat. 감사가 오만하게 변질되어서는 안 된다.

byfarandaway: 쭉, 단연 Butyouare byfarandaway theonlychoice. – Iappreciateyousaying that.

lift: 훔치다 Well, thisissome goodshit, wheredid you getit? – Ikind of liftedit from the VIProom of the Speakers’holiday party.

goodinthesack : 잠자리에 든 When’thelasttimeyouhireda 40-year-oldstaffer?-Doesn’tmeanthat Iwouldn’t-Aslongasshe’s goodinthesack.

Thank you so much for making the trip up. 여기까지 와줘서 고마워.

Claire will be over the moon.

deference : 존중 / 경의의 Didyousmellthat? Thesmugness(잘난척하다)? The false deference?

holdone’stongue: 침묵하다, 혼자서 생각하는 Ihaveheldmytonueaboutthis wholeinternational thing forawhile, but Idon’tgetit.

Mutualadmirationsociety: 서로 칭찬하는 동료 Wearepart of amutualadmirationsociety. – Youareafan of thesymphony. – Moreforthepeople – watching thanthemusic.

계략, 술책 It’sacheapploy. 값싼 계략이군. – It’scheapbuteffective. – Well, youcertainly have myundividedattention. 확실히 내 주의를 끌었네.

음모 I’vele daverylong, verysuccessfulcareeravoiding thissort of intriguewith thepress. 그동안 언론과의 신경전이 없어도 성공적인 경력을 쌓아왔구나.

solongaftersunsetandsofarfromdown: 한밤중에 Inevermakesuchbigdecisionsolongaftersunsetandsofarfromdawn.

방명록-Didyouput Ms. Barns in thevisitors’ledger?

angleforsometing : 노리다 Weareheretotalkaboutmyresume? – MayorofD. C. wouldlookoodonyourresume, wouldn’tit? – Weknowthat you’ve beenanglingtorunforsometime.

ironsinthefire : 착수하고 있는 일 / 사업 / 계획 Howarewedoing? – Good. Progress. Ironsinthefire.

tipover: 뒤집기 Wearenowinthesameboat, Zoe. Takecarenottotipitover. I can only save one of us from drowning.

아무것도 타지 않은 Drinks? I’msorry, Imadethatneat. Did youwant..?- No, thisisperfect.

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